Bali, Indonesia

Bali Coffee Factory


Welcome to Bali Coffee Factory, where passion for coffee meets the lush landscapes of Bali. Established in the heart of Bali, Indonesia, our journey began with a simple dream: to bring the rich flavors of Balinese coffee to the world while preserving the authenticity of Balinese cultural heritage. We work closely with local coffee farmers who have nurtured their crops for generations. From bean to cup, every step of our process is infused with care, expertise, and a deep appreciation for the natural beauty that surrounds us. At Bali Coffee Factory, we believe that each cup of coffee tells a story. Join us on this journey of flavor, culture, and sustainability. Explore the depths of Balinese coffee with every sip, and become a part of the Bali Coffee Factory family. Captivating Bali in Every Cup
"From the moment I opened the package, the rich aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans transported me to the lush landscapes of Bali. One of my favorites is their LUWAK KOPI.”
“Their coffee isn't just a beverage; it's a passport to the lush landscapes and vibrant culture of Bali. If you're seeking a coffee experience that transcends the ordinary, I wholeheartedly recommend embarking on this flavor-filled journey with Bali Coffee Factory.”
Captivating Bali in Every Cup

cultural fusion

Bali Coffee Factory

Incredible Story
One day, in the heart of the picturesque island of Bali, an exciting idea was born, eventually leading to the creation of Bali Coffee Factory. This story begins with a man who wanted to share his passion for coffee and the beauty of Bali, igniting the spark of creativity. Now, each of you can experience the distinct taste of Balinese coffee and visit the most exotic and beautiful places in Bali. Enjoy your journey.

Captivating Bali in Every Cup

The Bali Coffee Factory didn't just become a coffee brand; it became a tribute to the island's soul. Every cup brewed from their beans was an invitation to savor Bali's essence, to taste the love that went into cultivating each bean, and to embrace the enchantment of the island in every sip.


Let us know if you want to cooperate.
We are so excited to share great coffee from Bali to any coffee enthusiasts in the world. Please let us know if you are interested in any collaboration with us. Bali Coffee Factory focuses on collaboration with local farmers. We produce high-quality coffee by applying sustainable and ethical sourcing. By directly collaborating with farmers, we remain attuned and responsive to developments at the farm level. Our overarching goal is to continually enhance the quality of our coffee while prioritizing the well-being of our farmers. Situated in Bali, we operate a processing facility catering to both specialty and commercial coffee. We provide pre-financing to our farmers, ensuring a stable income even outside the harvest season. Bali Coffee Factory is a licensed exporter, enabling us to meet the demands of international markets. Our coffee has successfully reached destinations in Europe, the USA, the Middle East, and Asia. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries or collaborations.

visit our place

Come and visit us or order a delivery to your home, we are always glad to serve our customers the best coffee and service.
Sunday 9:30 AM — 12:00 AM Monday thru Saturday 11:00 AM — 12:00 AM